
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

East Coast Weather

Today was my first experience of "east coast" weather. I had been warned by almost everyone that east coast weather is hot and sticky, nothing like the dry heat I am used to from California. It was as though they were saying, "You're going to hate it." But a few weeks ago when I was here apartment hunting I really had nothing bad to say about the weather (check back on the blogs if you don't believe me). Yeah it was warm, a little humid, but to me it felt tropical. As it would for someone whose only recent experience of humidity was in Veracruz, Mexico.

Since I officially moved in, the weather has actually been pretty mild, hot but not humid. Dad and I definitely had pink faces when we moved all my stuff into my apartment but it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Then last night on the news, the weather person mentioned that humidity and more heat was coming. I probably could have figured that out myself considering it was still 80 degrees outside when the 11 o'clock news was on. So this morning when I walked out my door it was no surprise to me when the air felt sticky. What was surprising was when I looked at my car thermometer and it read 100 degrees. And even more surprising was when the weather switched in the blink of an eye. One minute it was 100 degrees and sunny; The next minute it was torrential downpour complete with lightning and suddenly a cool 78 degrees (not that it felt that way, this thing they call the heat index).

Once I got home I did what any crazy Californian girl would do, I stood at my window smiling at the downpour, counting the seconds between the lightning and the thunder and marvelling at nature and it's thunderstorms. By the looks on everyone else's faces, thunderstorms aren't something a native Virginian would smile about but that won't stop me from enjoying them. At least for now.

1 comment:

Paige said...

This post made me laugh! I am glad the weather makes you smile!!