Guerra tenía una parra
y Parra tenía una perra
y la perra de Parra
rompió la parra de Guerra
y Guerra pegó con una porra
a la perra de Parra.
Si la perra de Parra
no hubiera roto
la parra de Guerra,
Guerra no habría pegado
con la porra
a la perra de Parra.
This was the tongue twister we got this morning to work on our pronunciation skills. It brought me back to my childhood days when I used to be in speech therapy and had to repeat "She sells seashells by the seashore." Yesterday we had our excurions to Teotihuacan. It was really inspiring to see all the ruins and climb up the pyramid del Sol y la pyramide de la Luna. No matter how many pyramids I see it still amazes me how people managed to put them together without today´s technology.
The highlight of yesterday´s trip was la catedral en la zocalo de la ciudad de Mexico. We only had one hour to wander around the center of Mexico City, so me and a few other students decided to visit the church while others went to tomar un cafe/cerveza. I have to say this was the best $1 I have ever spent. For 12 pesos we were able to climb up the tower of the church and learn about the history of the bells. The we walked across the domed roof of the church and stood along the top. We had an awesome view over the city and I felt like the chimney sweepers from Mary Poppins were going to jump out at me and start singing. It was awesome! From there we walked to the other bell tower and got to stand right next to the bell as our guide rang it to signify 6:30. Loud but amazing. After that we climbed down the tower and out the front of the church. What an experience.
I'm jealous!! I've always wanted to go there.
I love that when you go places you actually do stuff! Like you see the sites and don't just get wasted every night and hang out with Americans. Seriously, CJ, that is one (of your many) awesome qualities.
For that reason I don't know if we would be good traveling partners because I am one of those people who gets wasted every night and hangs out with Americans.
(mostly kidding)
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