
Friday, February 05, 2010


This week I started my new position. Now, not only will I be counseling pediatrics at the health clinic and women/infants/children at the WIC clinic but I will also be counseling at the OB clinic. Think pregnant women and newborns. I'm not 100% sure how this will all pan out, as I have been told this is temporary until one of my coworkers improves her Spanish, but for now it will be a good learning opportunity.
Pros: The clinic I am working out of is 10 minutes from my house. This means I can either sleep in a little or get one more morning beach walk on my schedule each week. I'll be learning about pregnant women and newborns, two populations I have had no exposure to previously.
Cons: Everyday of the week I start at a different time and I work in a different location. I will be working out of my own suite with only one other person, besides my patients, to talk to all day.

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